Greetings, everyone. In being part of the literary community of New York City, I frequently come across other authors. This week, I would like to introduce you one of those authors. For this edition of the Author Profiles on Polite on Society, we speak with Aniya A., the author of “A Woman’s Intuition”
Polite on Society: Who is Aniya A.?
Aniya A: Aniya A is a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, author, Dr. Oz Show Contributor, Educator, Poet, and Entertainer.
But most importantly, Aniya A is A survivor!!
POS: What motivated you to write “A Woman’s Intuition”?
AA: After dying and coming back to L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday) due to a rare medical condition which turned out to be multiple conditions attacking my body simultaneously, by the names of Nephrotic Syndrome, Pitting Edema, and a Pulmonary Embolism, after having to be rehabilitated from head to toe, being taught how to talk, walk, breathe, eat, think again, after after being deemed disabled because my body would never function again, I had NO choice but to try and leave a legacy behind before I took my last breath! I really have another novel that I wanted to publish and become a New York Times Best Seller but then this condition left me stuck in a hospital for three months and I had no choice but to start writing poetry again, NOT really forgetting my novel, “After ALL the Pain” but I needed to do something that would bring me happiness through ALL I was facing, so I wrote and little by little I worked on my book and then I was able to self publish!
POS: You share a lot about your life experiences in a candid manner. How did you come to a place where you’re so open without the concern of being judged?
AA: I actually love this question/thought very much because it shows me that you are truly analytical in every way.. The truth is I was bullied a lot growing up! I got it on every end, in my family, I was considered dark (damn slave mentality but I get it though- NOW) in school, the kids said I came off a banana boat,that I ate cat and that I had HBO – Haitian Body Odor and you guessed it, it was because I loved my culture and being from Haiti was a big deal for me because I loved every part of being Haitian, I even have poetry about it.. So, fast forward to today, although I can go on and on, I speak up in a way to heal others! Grant it NOT every knows this tid bit I am sharing with you but they will and for those whom already follow me, many of them have thanked me. Some call me to talk about the hardships they face and of course, they call for advice on how to handle certain problems and I gladly give it to them because whether or NOT they listen to the advice they desperately seek, I know I have done my part and for that I feel Blessed! SN: I consider myself an open book too and do NOT leave much to the imagination.
POS: Where can we find your book and when is your next signing?
AA: Here are the links:
https://www.amazon.com/Womans-Intuition-AniYa/dp/1534859780 – due to the fact that I will be traveling for the holidays and regrouping as I picked up more work in the entertainment industry, I do not have another book signing yet; however, I will share that I will be speaking again at the Vitamin Shoppe in Columbus Circle in January. I say that to say, I always have copies of my book there as my Healing Story has a lot to do with my writing and picking up my pieces after I was left with NO H.O.P.E {Hold On Pain Endz} I have been fortunate to be restored by my Faith in GoD, 1st praise goes to HIM and secondly, I take a natural supplement by the name of “Cornsilk” and it has been the secret to me staying alive for over a decade when I was initially on 27 medications a day, including but NOT limited to Chemotherapy, three different bloodthinners,steroids and the list obviously goes on and on…. I was on 15,000 dollars worth of medicine a month but I am Healed today and will continue to share my testimony with as many people as possible, so again once I lock in that date, I will tell you ASAP because I would love for you to be there and I will give you a signed copy of my book!
POS: Are there any other endeavors that you want our audience to know about?
AA: LOLOL I just shared that one and honestly, last year I had my heart set on going on a Health Expo Tour, I got everything together had ALL of the people in line… Hired staff, got locations then it ALL fell apart because the person I hired literally sabotaged my project but she didn’t break me. I want to go on a Nationwide Tour where I can Motivate, Encourage, Help and Empower People who have had issues like mine; it’s one thing to have been bullied but it is even worse when you have rare medical conditions that no one can figure out! My desire is to speak at more venues, schools, churches, hospitals (these doctors need to learn more bed side manner) and places like the Boys and Girls Clubs. In spite of ALL I have been through, I was truly blessed having traveled to many parts of the world, graduating high school at 16, going straight to University over 3 hours away from my family, studying abroad in London, England and NOW doing what I do daily! I want the readers to know that NO matter what happens in each of their lives they must believe in themselves and they must continue to FIGHT Daily. Failure is NEVER an option and if I can do it – so can they.
I’d like to thank Aniya for taking the time to talk with us here at Polite On Society. Be on the look out for her book “A Woman’s Intuition” available on Amazon and CreateSpace.
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