It’s June! What Does That Mean For You?

Greetings readers. It is the halfway point of 2014, and a good time to take notice of where we are at in a number of ways. Personally, I have some things to look forward to this month, even as I reflect on what has happened so far. Some of those things are Blogging While Brown at the end of this month, and the release of Hidden Colors 3  For the admirers of poetry out there, you will be happy to know that Sister’s Uptown has restarted its Open Mic Night. It will be on Thursday, June 12th at 7:30pm. Additionally, you all should be aware that I am working on a newsletter. If you want to be added to it, let me know.

A few have asked me about what I intend to read this summer, and suggestions. For now, I have two books that are on my list. The first is The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. Actually, its a re-read, but I am still counting it. The second is Fail Up: 20 Lessons on Building Success From Failure by Tavis Smiley. If you have any reads that you would like to share, then feel free to comment.

This will be an eventful month, and I am beginning it with a very informal post. What are you looking forward to in June? One more thing. For those who want to see an exhibit about Maya Angelou who passed last week, be advised that The Schomburg has set one up for all to see. The exhibit will be up until June 30th.


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  1. I’m looking forward to the summer, and I’m hoping we get the weather to go with that. 🙂

    I’ll be volunteering at Celebrate Brooklyn! again this summer, checking out Brooklyn Bridge Park, and hey, I might venture up to Harlem!

  2. Hey Zenzi! Those sound like awesome plans. I have been to a few CB events in the past. For now, the weather is aight. Except the downpour twice yesterday lol.

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