Good evening folks! The week is very young, so let’s get into what you need to know. As long time readers are aware, this space on the web has made some noise on this thing we know as the blogosphere. I just want to use this post to remind you all that Polite On Society has been nominated for Best Political Or News Blog of 2013 by the Black Web Blog Awards. This site is one of six informative Black blogs that is in the running. So, this is a “blog primary” so to speak, if you will indulge me in making such a parallel. Feel free to check out some of the other blogs in this listing as well.
I am writing this post in the hope that I will have your vote in this category. This site continues to be a space of hard hitting analysis, and is read by those who want a take that is different from the mainstream. The first round of voting begins on September 16th, a week from today. The last day of voting will be on September 26th. Should a blog get the sufficient amount of votes, then it will move on to the Finalist voting round which begins October 1st through 12th. The winner will be announced on November 2nd.
Let us continue to inform the people, and build on the mission statement of this site! Thank you!
Marc W. Polite
Blog “Primary” Contender
Congrats, Marc! I will gladly vote for you! You certainly deserve the award! Pls keep us posted on the process! XOXO