The 6th Annual Blogging While Brown conference was this past weekend. On Friday, and Saturday, bloggers congregated at the Schomburg Center to learn the latest in web tech, network, and take their blogging to the next level. This was my first time attending, and all in all it was a great experience. Ever since I found out that they were coming to New York, I knew I had to be there. Going was a big deal, and after everything that I saw and learned the past two days, I was not disappointed.
It is a great thing to have a conference particularly for bloggers. It means that in ever increasing circles, blogging is being taken seriously. That in itself is refreshing. Bloggers definitely need community, and this is exactly what we got. There are different types of bloggers out there, and it was great to be amongst a good cross section of them. From fashion, to entertainment, to parenting, there is a blog that covers almost any thing you can think of. I can primarily speak on the breakout sessions of Saturday, since I was there for the entire day.
My day began with a breakfast sponsored by TV Land. We were treated to a screening of The Soul Man. After this, came the opening remarks from Gina McCauley, the founder of the BWB conference. After this and a keynote tech presentation by Markus Robinson, came the various breakout sessions. Of the six I attended, I was impressed with every one. I learned a great deal of info from every speaker I was there to hear from. As an intermediate blogger myself, I felt like I was taken to school. Which is a great thing. Now my issue will be, finding the time to implement and apply what I have come across. It is real when you have to balance out other life responsibilities with the desire to just be on the writing scene regularly. In one of the sessions I attended titled “Blogging for the Love of the Blog”, Carolyn Edgar of carolynedgar.com spoke on doing what one can, and being realistic about it. That stuck with me. One of the toughest things about this line of interest is that is moves at such a break neck pace. It can easily disorient you, if you don’t put things all in perspective. While there were many lessons drawn this weekend, and a plethora of info to sift through, that one spoke to me the most.
I can say for certain that Blogging While Brown was everything that I expected it to be. As I am known to do, I shared tidbits of info from the presentations during live tweets and status updates. Because of that, many of those in my networks said that they would be interested in going next year. And luckily, they will have the opportunity. At the end of Saturday’s program, Ms. McCauley announced that BWB will return to NYC in 2014. I have a feeling that the community of bloggers will only get bigger. That is definitely a good thing.
Before I go, I have to give a shout-out to the other political and social commentary bloggers I came across this weekend. What up to Garfield Hylton of When Keeping It Real Goes Right, Elaine Elsberry of Black Baby Boomer, Stanley Fritz of Let Your Voice Be Heard, April J. Cheatham-Sands of The Reign of April, Stephanie McGencey of The Sister Source, and Sylvia Lewis over at Examiner. Peace, and I hope to keep in contact with many of you. Peace.
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Great recap post Marc! It too was my 1st BWB conference and the content was amazing. I’m sure glad I brought a notebook! I’ve been blogging for a few years now and was blown away by the resources presented to help maximize our blogs – and the community I felt from other bloggers. Happy they’ll be back next year – I’m going!
Thank you Alexandra! I agree- what they presented was pretty awesome. I definitely intend to return next year. Thanks again for your comment.