Former Supreme Court Justice Sees The Light- 13 Years Later

Talk about an after the fact observation. Some of you may have come across a story today regarding retired Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor saying that her decision to end the recount in the 2000 presidential election may not have been the right decision. Well, what a quick study, huh? Sarcasm aside, the damage to the political system and faith in American democracy was truly shattered for a generation of people over the Bush vs. Gore case. As someone who had a key role, the admission after the fact is pretty pointless.

To be frank, those of us who remember back then knew that much was not right about it. Anyone who voted that year for Gore had their vote overturned. This is part of the reason why its important to speak out against wrong at the time that it’s happening. Speak for truth, or forever co-sign a lie. Because if you speak years later, people will doubt your moral conviction. Well.. better late than never.. I suppose. Maybe someone from within the administration will come out and say that it was wrong for President Obama to appoint Monsanto people to the FDA… in 2026.

Oh, what a brave future we have to look forward to.

-Marc W. Polite

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