I wanted to take this time to extend my thanks to all of my readers and subscribers. You have all helped me a great deal in finding my writer’s voice.
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Happy Mother’s Day!
On this very special Mother’s Day, I would like to talk about my mother and what she means to me.
Read moreEarth Day 40th Anniversary: Is Energy Policy Headed In The Wrong Direction?
40 years later, there is good reason to believe that the work of these early environmental activists have been seriously set back in the name of political expediency.
Read more“Black Male Privilege”: Contradiction and Diversion
Now, I must say that there definitely is such a thing as male privilege, it does not make sense to deny that. However, I take issue with the notion that Black men have some kind of special rights in society, as it flies in the face of the day to day, and current realities of what we face as a people.
Read moreJust My Thoughts: After the National Black Writer’s Conference
At the conference many issues were raised; street lit was defended and criticized. Hip-Hop was discussed, and the issue of Black portrayals in the media was on of the recurring themes discussed, whether it be in the halls or from the podium.
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