At almost a full week after the second Presidential Debate the numbers in the polls seem to be aligning away from the president in what is becoming an even closer election […]
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Can The Federal Government Create Jobs?
At the presidential debate, jobs were a key issue in both the platforms of both candidates. With the economy still in slow recovery, that is indeed understandable. However, what I […]
Read moreSecond Presidential Debate: Afterthoughts and Observations
The second presidential debate was an undeniable comeback for President Obama from an underwhelming performance the first time out. With so much on the line, and a great deal of […]
Read moreMarc Polite Appears on WHCR’s “What’s in Your Hand”
Greetings to all of my readers! I want to share with you something great that has happened. On Friday, I had my first radio appearance on WHCR. I was a […]
Read moreThe Role Reversal of the Vice Presidential Debate
Well, at least now we know that Vice President Biden is no push-over…of course we knew that before. At Thursday night’s Vice Presidential debate we saw a number of character […]
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