What Is On Your Reading List?

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By Marc W. Polite

Greetings, my readers. Since the year just started, many of us are feeling optimistic with what we can accomplish. Provided that work is put in, its possible to get yourself into a different headspace. This is not “venture outside” season, so some of us are sequestered away in our respective places, riding out the cold snaps, and harsh weather. Personally, I’m taking the opportunity to get some reading done. My latest read is Automating Inequality by Virginia Eubanks, and I’m nearly finished with it.

However, that is not all. If you want to see what I have been reading, and what is next, visit my Goodreads page. Aside from what is on there, I have been looking to broaden my knowledgebase into astronomy, the natural sciences, and technology. That’s where my mind is at in this moment.

I’m throwing the question out there to you as a reader. What is on your to read list for 2024? Is it books about sociology? Crime novels, science fiction, books about oceanography? Or something else entirely different?

Whatever your choice is, as long as you enjoy the read, then that is what truly matters. That’s it for now. Peace!




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