By Marc W. Polite
Greetings to all of my readers. Happy African Liberation Day. Today is a good day to let readers of this blog know about two events that are upcoming next month. The first one is Libation.
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, the International African Arts Festival, Inc., will be holding their kick-off performance event LIBATION (5:00 pm – 10:00 pm) at NYC College of Technology, giving you a taste of who you will see at the 51st Annual International African Arts Festival.
The International African Arts Festival is one of New York City’s longest running and most respected celebrations of worldwide African music, dance, and culture, and takes place at Commodore Barry Park in Brooklyn from Friday, July 1 to Monday, July 4, 2022, rain or shine (10:00 am to 9:00 pm).
On June 4, during LIBATION, audiences will get a taste of the energy and vibrancy The Festival has brought to the borough for decades.
THANDISWA (South Africa), OLATUNJI (Caribbean), ADH (Senegal), MAIMOUNA KEITA (African Dance)
DJ Music – DJ AQ

On the very same day, the first annual Pinkster celebration will take place.
Since the 1800’s, Pinkster has been known to the general population as a spring festival, taking place
in late May or early June. The name is a variation of the Dutch word Pinksteren, meaning
“Pentecost”. Pinkster in English almost always refers to the festivals held by African Americans (both
free and enslaved) in the Northeastern United States, particularly in the early 19th century. To the
Dutch who were engaged in the slave trade, Pinkster was a religious holiday, a chance to rest, gather
and celebrate religious services like baptisms and confirmations. For the enslaved Africans who were
identified as their property, Pinkster was a time free from uncompensated work and a chance to
gather and catch up with family and friends.
“Pinkster: Joy Is An Act of Resistance” celebrates and illustrates what is central to the identity of people of New York State and the culture that informs what is America today. This year we look at the Africans who landed on the shores of New Amsterdam and what they bought with them. Pinkster is the joy of Spring expressed in Pentecost but also the joy of spirit that lives in all people in a shared community. Rooted in both the African and Dutch experiences of the 17th Century Pinkster belongs to us all.” — Greer Smith, President/CEO, TRANSART
Given the concerns about the commercialization of Black holidays, this would be a good time to learn more about this tradition. To learn more about Pinkster, visit: https://www.transartinc.org/pinkster