By Marc W. Polite
Greetings everyone! Today is Writer Wednesday, and I wanted to share with you all some impressions from a recent read of mine. In my relatively short time on the NYC poetry scene, I have come across many different types of poets. Carla M.Cherry recently released a collection of poems. It is called Stardust and Skin, and is presented to us by iiPublishing. Stardust and Skin is a view of Carla’s journey through the process of rebuilding self-esteem. In this assortment of twenty-two poems, Carla delves into issues of self-actualization.
A range of topics from coping with the taunts of school bullies, to reflections on reincarnation, to the shadow self, come through in this work. There are themes implicit around casting off what is harmful to you, as well as self-care suggestions mentioned for the benefit of the reader. Many of us living in this society have to learn how to live in our own skin.
In the poem “Sap”, Carla writes “You better not let nobody hold your self-esteem hostage.” This is one among many powerful lines in this book. “Stardust and Skin” is a wonderful, upbeat read. It is ideal for young women of color, as it affirms their concerns as they navigate through a society often meant to demean them. If you are into life-affirming, thoughtful poetry, “Stardust and Skin” is for you. It is now available for purchase online.