ABENY 2018 Conference Recap

Danielle, Dr. Eugena Griffin, Merly, and Aurora at Creating Change Publishing

By Marc W. Polite

The field of education is constantly changing, and demanding more of those within it. Education conferences are good opportunities to discover and discuss what is occurring in the discipline, and how it plays a role in setting goals and outcomes.

The Association of Black Educators of New York (ABENY) held their yearly educational conference on Saturday, November 10th, 2018. Held at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem, this year’s theme was “Creating Culturally Responsive Schools” -a countermeasure to trends we see occurring across the country.

During the course of the day, this event had workshops geared toward educators, administrators, and parents. There were also many book vendors present with materials on learning and studying.

Among the workshop presenters were Dr. Eugena Griffin, author of Letters to the Black Community and The Steps I Took. Her workshop talked about some of the impacts of racism and discrimination on the mental health of youth of color. This is very much needed for the climate we find ourselves in now.

Literature table of Marc Polite at ABENY 2018
Eartha Watts-Hicks, Marc Polite, and Keisha Molby-Baez

In addition to the aforementioned book vendors, there were also organizations present at ABENY 2018. Among them were the New York Black Librarians Caucus, Prudential, Harlem News Group, and Yaffa Cultural Arts.

At this conference, there was enough opportunities to speak with the other vendors and attendees as well. Between promoting my works and advertising the next upcoming poetry event at Barnes and Noble on December 7th, it was rarely a dull moment. I learned a few things there that I plan on implementing in the near future.

In reflecting on my last two book promotional events, I find a similarity. As readers of this site know, I was at the East of the River Book Festival at Thurgood Marshall Academy in Washington, D.C. – while this event was at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem, New York. Looks like I may have just found my way to where I should go next.

This, was my last weekend book promotional event for 2018, and it was a ringing success. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to this event, or any of the other past events. Ever since the launch of my third book in April, it’s been a whirlwind of a journey. It’s taken me from Harlem to the Bronx, Brooklyn, D.C, Alexandria, VA, and a few points beyond due to online interaction.

Marc Polite and his three books- 2018

I will have to regroup and plan for 2019, with all of these wonderful experiences under my belt. Even though I play around a lot online, I don’t take any of this for granted. I appreciate your support.

Until next post, peace!


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