13th Annual CUNY Black Male Initiative Conference
Diversifying the STEM field: Exposing and Promoting Pathways
Friday, October 5, 2018 | 8:30am – 7pm
New York City College of Technology
300 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
NEW! Academic Complex Auditorium, AB 108
Dr. Cora Marrett
Lecturer and Former National Science Foundation Director
Dr. James Anderson
Chancellor, Fayetteville State University
Dr. Sylvester Gates
Distinguished Ford Professor of Mathematics at Brown University
The Thirteenth Annual CUNY BMI conference, “Diversifying the STEM field: Exposing and Promoting Pathways”, will feature a morning keynote by Dr. Cora Marrett, an afternoon keynote by Dr. James Anderson, and an evening keynote by Dr. Sylvester James Gates, Jr. The conference includes morning and afternoon panel discussions that address Women in STEM, Math, Professional Skills Development, the STEM Pipeline, Community involvement in STEM and Careers in STEM. The morning panels specifically will discuss ‘How did we get here?’ detailing the history of STEM as it relates to these topics. The afternoon panels will discuss ‘Where do we go from here?’ detailing innovative strategies as it relates to these topics. The overall theme of the conference will focus on equipping conference participants to enter into STEM fields or find helpful STEM resources to enable other young people begin a career in STEM, primarily young men of color, at an earlier age.
CUNY Black Male Initiative programs are open to all academically eligible students, faculty and staff, without regard to race, gender, national origin or other characteristic.