Greetings, readers. The Bronx Book Fair is coming up in less than two months. You may have seen posts regarding it on this site in year’s past, but this expanding event is one that you should consider attending if you have not before.
Launched in 2013, the Bronx Book Fair is dedicated to engaging and growing the community of poets and writers in the Bronx and to connecting those literary artists to readers and book lovers of all ages. Through readings, workshops, and presentations. Our goal is to engage the community with a variety of literature and programs that will broaden access to Bronx literary artists, increase library usage, and encourage a love of books and reading.
To get an idea of what to expect this year, Polite On Society reached out to Lorraine Currelley, the Executive Director of the Bronx Book Fair.
“Attendees can expect programming that not only addresses the many cultural interests of the Bronx, but the health issues. This year, I’m introducing and moderating a panel of health professionals. We will address Issues such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure),obesity, mental health, herbal medicine, and cancer. I believe we must avail ourselves of every opportunity to provide information. Information that will save our lives.”
“Attendees can expect a continuance of reading and literacy advocacy reflected via our scheduled programming. As the newly elected Executive Director I will continue to advocate for, introduce and encourage the continued creation of innovative programming, to enhance the literary and artistic experiences for community residents and opportunities for the Bronx literary community of poets and writers. The Bronx Book Fair is the borough’s premiere literary event and features a variety of diverse literary voices. This year the fair welcomes special guest poets Willie Perdomo and Sokunthary Svay, children’s book author Tiffany Papageorge and readings, workshops, panels and special programs for children and families. We are honored to have Noëlle Santos, as our Keynote Speaker. For Further information on Noëlle Santos
The Bronx Library Center is the largest public library in the Bronx, with extensive collections of print and non-print materials for adults, young adults, and children.
The Bronx Library Center is the host venue for Bronx Book Fair 2018.
To see the schedule for the upcoming Bronx Book Fair 2018, visit the 2018 BBF Schedule page.