Oh, What a Year it Was!
by George Sorrentini
What defined 2017?
From a man who is asking for war,
to another who is asking to be impeached.
From the Russian meddling controversy where the Russians denied involvement,
to the health care controversy, which the US still cannot resolve.
From being introduced to bizarre nicknames like “Pocahontas”, “Rocket Man”, and the “Mooch”,
to being introduced to acronyms that the majority never even heard of like MOAB and DACA.
From the masses gazing up into the sky to witness the rare solar eclipse,
to the immigration ban that prohibits new comers from reaching the stars.
From taking down statues that represented hatred and bigotry,
to taking down any actor, anchor, politician, and/or priest who molested women.
From a lone gunman who sprayed a barrage of bullets into a crowd in Las Vegas,
to ISIS incessantly claiming responsibility for any act of terrorism around the world.
From the opioid epidemic that caused the nation to take a stand,
to medical professionals finally acknowledging that Videogame Addiction must be taken seriously.
From those who we have lost like Adam West and Charles Manson,
to seeing the royal family welcome a new member to its royal clan.
From a sea of athletes kneeling to the National Anthem,
to powerful hurricanes that ravaged Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico.
From trends like “Pussy” hats and fidget spinners,
to offensive tweets that trended worldwide.
And how did we end 2017?
By seeing the horrific impact of an arctic freeze in the east and infernal wildfires in the west.
Oh, what a year it was!
George Sorrentini is the editor of “Everything To Learn, Nothing to Teach” and the author of the poem “Alzheimers”