Cybersecurity should be of paramount importance to every business, large or small. However, you must look beyond integrating the safest technologies. You must also review your hiring process, security policies and computer disposal processes. We are therefore going to show you how to secure your company’s sensitive data.
Learn About Your Data
The first thing you must do is evaluate what sensitive data you have, what you use it for and where it lives within your organization. You must take inventory of your trade secrets, financial information, and client, employee or customer data, so you can identify how many copies of the data are stored and who has access to the information.
Set File Permissions
Human error is often the biggest risk to a company’s data security, as a member of staff might accidentally or deliberately delete or share your files. You must, therefore, set file permission on all sensitive data to improve your company’s information security. Ensure only management and senior members of staff can gain access to your most valuable files. You can also try to limit the number of copies you create, as the information will be easier to protect.
Data Encryption
Data encryption is essential for mobile data, as it is vital to protect the information when transported via an unsecure network, such as the internet. Encryption will help to protect the sensitive files even in the event of a data breach, such as a ransomware or trojan attack.
Perform Employee Background Checks
As mentioned, your employees can pose the biggest risk to your information security. You must therefore thoroughly vet prospective employees to verify their previous employment, as a past employer could raise a red flag before you hire them. You can, therefore, trust you will hire the right candidate who will follow your cybersecurity policy.
Retrieve Data from a Dead Hard Drive
Have you retrieved data and wiped clean a dead hard drive? If you haven’t, you must start; otherwise, your sensitive files could fall into the wrong hands. It doesn’t matter if you have deleted the file from a computer, as the data will still live on a hard drive. We recommend speaking to the professionals at to retrieve your data.
An Updated Anti-virus
Many small businesses often make the big mistake of forgetting or neglecting their anti-virus or anti-spy software. However, it is essential to update the software to receive the latest versions; otherwise, you might open your infrastructure up to a variety of data security breaches that could have legal, financial and reputational complications.
Create Strong Passwords
It is imperative that every member of staff creates strong passwords, which they must also change regularly. What’s more, every member of staff should ensure they lock their computer or laptop when leaving the device unattended for more than a few minutes.
Create a Strict Security Policy
Ensure your employees adhere to their cybersecurity responsibilities by creating a strict security policy. For instance, they must create strong passwords, act with caution when downloading files or clicking on unknown URLs, and ensure they never share information with a third-party. You must also ensure your employees separate their personal and work-related social media profiles to avoid any mistakes.
Do you know any helpful ways to protect a company’s sensitive data? We would love to read your advice. Share your tips in the comment section below.