Greetings my readers. I have some more literary news to share with you. As some of you know, I have recently re-read the classic novel 1984 by George Orwell. I mentioned it in a past post, and have been in a thoughtful mood as a result of it. Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in this novel, due to the maneuvers of the Trump Administration. The Readers United Book Club will be hosting a month long online discussion of 1984 on their Facebook page beginning Monday, April 3rd. In addition to this, on Tuesday, April 4th, movie theaters across the United States will host screenings of the film version of 1984 in protest of this administration. I intend to see this film, and give my remarks about it in a forthcoming post.
What will also debut on April 4th is “1984 in the 21st Century” – an anthology based upon the 1949 book depicting a totalitarian future. Published by Riverdale Avenue Books, the collection has the aim of re-initiating much needed conversation around this work. As you can see from the picture above, I am among many of the contributing essayists to this project, and am honored to have my work published as part of this collection. The title of my essay in this piece is: “Controlling the Present: How 1984 Predicted ‘Alternative Facts’ and ‘Fake News'”
For those familiar with my writings, as well as those who aren’t- it will be an interesting read. I’m looking forward to hearing feedback about it. For those who may be interested, there will also be a publishing party for the anthology on April 5th. I intend to be there.
While 1984 is a book that I read in high school, in my opinion it is more relevant now than when I read it back in my sophomore year. I’ll say this, and leave it alone for now: I feel as though if this book were written today, it might be derided as “preachy” Orwell would be pelted with the question “Well, what’s the solution?” as if the problem is not big enough that it has to be dealt with collectively. Compelling the author to come up with the solutions to a problem they are illuminating can sometimes be a way to shut down the conversation. It’s just where we are, politically. But then again, I am just a lowly “prole”, what do I know?
-Marc W. Polite
Reporting from Oceania