Reworking Your Outlook: Pensive Post Alert

Mood: Thoughtful 

Good evening folks. I hope all is well with everyone who happens to read this. I came across this image above, and it spoke to me on a few levels. Of course, you all know that I am a science fiction head of you’ve even been reading this blog for a month. So, there’s that. Secondly,  as I head towards another birthday (This Saturday! #leoseason) I have been feeling introspective. Thinking about my place in the blogging game, and what my words and works bring forth. 

There are no easy answers for where I want to go next. But, I know I won’t get there by winding myself up like a cheap watch over everything that occurs in the news. This summer, I have been very intentional about enjoying this season. As opposed to trying to be everywhere back in 2015, and damn near ruining my summer in the process. Part of reworking my outlook means not jumping when these online opinion polls proverbially ask “how high”. I don’t have it “all figured out” but I know what doesn’t work for me personally. 

Three days away from 37, and this is what’s on my mind. Consider this a journal entry like post, of which I try to keep to a minimum. Until next blog post, peace! 


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