Greetings my faithful readers. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in the Harlem Book Fair 2015. It was a successful day for me, and I also connected with some more people who are into reading and literacy as I am.
I attended the main day of the event, which was Saturday. Held on 135th between Lenox Avenue and St. Nicholas, the Fair is a big draw for writers, and readers alike. Before the day started, I attended the launch of the Harlem Book and Breakfast Club. Held at the Joseph P. Kennedy Center on 134th between Lenox and 5th Avenue, the purpose of this event is to promote literacy to the youth, and encourage reading.

I appreciate the invite by the group, and look forward to more of their events. The organizers were saying that they intend on holding them once a month.

I had to leave in the middle of the program to start setting up shop for the fair. I had to meet up with a few people. One person I happen to meet with was a fellow blogger, Missy Salick of Virgo Girl Media.
Once I finished setting up, then it all came together. I collaborated with Angela Williamson again this year.

Of course, I was there with my items, flyers and mailing list all ready to go. It was not a game.

I have been promoting all spring and summer, and this would be no different. Much respect to all the people who came out and supported me Saturday.

I will tell you all one thing: catchy titles work. Even to people who did not want to necessarily get the book, the title did pique enough interest for some to stop by the table and chat about it. I’m glad I gave this title such an ironic name.
Also, for those who are looking for more bookstores, there is good news. Revolution Books is opening its store in Harlem on 132nd street and Lenox Avenue. Older Harlemites will recall that Liberation Bookstore used to be on 131st and Lenox.
As an author with two books out there in the world, and a fledgling writing career to grow, this weekend was everything. I saw some folks that I have not seen in decades.
My only gripe about the event was that it wrapped up faster than I thought it would. Apparently, the permit was only until 5pm, when usually its until six. Other than that, I am grateful that so many of you came out to support my newest work. This so far, has been the best stop on the summer wing of the book tour. Home court advantage does indeed matter.
Until next blog post, peace!