Welcome 2015!


Good afternoon my readers! We made it! I decided to put this post up in the afternoon, cause most of us were too out of it this morning. Self included, of course. (Mind ya business, b!) 😉

I’d also like to mention that today is the 7th and final day of Kwanzaa. The principle is Imani, or Faith. We must have faith that we can change things for the better, and not be limited to the “reforms” that the rulers of our society have pre-decided are all we deserve.

It’s a new year, and this post is meant to wish you all the best in it. I am aware that many of us have aspirations to do better in 2015, and plans to make that happen. After the year some of us had, we all deserve an adjustment in our fortunes. Time to make it real folks!

Enjoy the rest of your day! Peace.

Marc W. Polite
Fresh… for 2015.


  1. Happy 2015!!! Wishing you a productive, prosperous, healthy, peace of mind new year. Blessings

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