Juneteenth and New Black Literature; Q&A with Author Carl Waters

Carl Waters
Carl Waters

As many of the readers of this site are aware, today is Juneteenth. Many of you are aware of the historical significance, so I wont rehash that. Today, I want to introduce you to an author by the name of Carl Waters. I had the opportunity to get a quick Q and A with him between radio slots this week.

POS:  What is the meaning of Juneteenth to you in this day and age as a Black author?
CW: Juneteenth is African-American Emancipation Day. It’s a time to remember all that my ancestors had to go through so that I could be here today. As a Black author, I try to pay homage and show appreciation to those who came before me. I also aim to tell the stories of those who have been silenced by time and circumstance.
Burning Uncle Toms Cabin
Burning Uncle Toms Cabin

POS: How does your book “Burning Uncle Tom’s Cabin” fit in with the established canon of African-American literature?

CW: There are many stories about slaves being attacked and being on the defensive side of the battle. With the Burning Uncle Tom’s Cabin series and the character George Harris, I have the slaves attacking. I have the slaves on the offensive side of the battle.
POS:  What do you hope readers will get from this reimagined story?
CW: I hope my story will allow readers to put themselves in the shoes of a slave and feel their pains and joys. I hope the story is both educational and entertaining.
POS: What advice would you give writers interested in writing fiction?
CW: I would tell all aspiring authors to read often, critique other’s work often, write often, and have your work critiqued often.
We’d like to thank Carl for taking the time to speak with us today. Don’t forget to enjoy one of the numerous Juneteenth events around the nation if you are available. Happy Juneteenth!

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