Its about that time again! Yes, it is Black History Month. The time for e-militants and YouTube Scholars to go into overdrive. There are only 28 days of this, so its best to take advantage of it.
Obviously, I am joking. On this site, we celebrate Black History year round. But, since folks seem to pay attention more at this time, it would be a mistake to not focus on it. While you are here, I want to inform you about another great site where you can find out about Black history. BlackPast is host to a wealth of knowledge on Black history, and should be one of the places you visit on the web this month.. and every month thereafter.
While I still have your attention, I’d like to inform you of the Black History Month blog carnival that will drop Feb. 7th. Also, Ella Rucker will be hosting the Brothers of Blogging Blog Carnival for April. So… if I happen to be one of your favorite Black male bloggers, if you feel so moved to shout me out in a post- you can do that. This might be a lot of Blacktivity all at once, but luckily I am allowed lol. Let’s enjoy the festivities of this month, and have fun as well. Peace!
-Marc W. Polite