My Obligatory Born Day Post

Good morning everyone. Some of you may be aware that today is my birthday. If you didn’t know, now you know.

The big 34. I suppose its a big deal, but I really do not feel any different than 33. I surmise that is a good thing. But, it is a semi confusing threshold. How so, you ask? Let me explain. At 34, can a person still say they are in their early 30’s? I mean, it is only 1 year removed from 35.

Culturally speaking, this also means I age out of a market. You know that 18-34 range that every form of entertainment practically drools to capture? I am now out of it. It can be argued that contemporary music is not even made for folks in their 30s. Even though the art form just turned 40 (Yes hip hop, I am looking at you) after a while, you just age out. Surprisingly, I am good with it.

Aside from these petty little gripes, I am blessed to see another year of life. I like the general direction I’m going, and am grateful for my family. Life is good. Even though its my day (lol) I hope you all have a great one as well.

A word of advice on comments today. Heed the wise words of Walter White and “tread lightly” with the old head jokes. I shall not have it. Lol! Peace y’all.

-Marc W. Polite


  1. Happy Birthday. Written well – from the “40 is the new 20” even though I am more than 40.

  2. Happy Birthday, Marc!

    As someone who has gone way past the 34 year milestone, I can truthfully say the only changes you experience will be those nasty physical ones. Oh, and the accompanying creaks and groans. Enjoy every moment!

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