Good evening all. It has been a couple of hours since my workshop ended. For those who have been following this blog, I have been advertising my workshop on Digital Literacy. Tonight was the night, and things went well. Outside of having difficulty with the projector at first, the workshop proceeded well.
During the workshop, I walked the audience through the basics of setting up a blog, writing a first post, and adding the content to it. Handouts were provided, and there were plenty of opportunities for people to ask questions during and after the presentation. In roughly an hour and a half, I got the opportunity to show others how to do what I do. I realized a longtime aspiration to set something up like this. As long as people find the information useful, then it is for a good reason.
There were so many questions during the Q&A, that I did not have a chance to write them all down. However, they were answered in their entirety. Some have asked if I will do another one, and I definitely am willing to. It was a blast. Thank you to everybody that had a chance to come out. And of course, thank you to the folks at Countee Cullen Library for allowing the Phoenix Forum to utilize its space to help inform the community. For those of you that could not make it out, if you want the handout, please feel free to e-mail me. Take care. Peace.
-Marc W. Polite
Blogger and Workshop Coordinator (Who Knew?)
P.S.- Today is the birthday of famous Harlem Renaissance era poet Countee Cullen. It was only right that I mention that.