31 Days To A Better Blog- Day 7

Greetings everyone. Since there are some exercises in this e-book that I do or have done regularly, for the purpose of completion I will be skipping some daily tasks. Day 5’s task is to e-mail a blog reader. I do that pretty regularly anyway. Day 6 is to make your blog mobile friendly. Since the site already is (Thank you, WordPress overlords) I can skip that task as well.

This is where we go to Day 7- Writing a link post.

Now, I have done this informally, but its important for me to explain why I am doing this formally. Linking to other blogs builds networks with other bloggers, and can lead to some great connections as well. In looking at some of the places that have linked to my most recent post, it is only right that I return the favor.

Read the following posts on the Morehouse speech from President Obama

Many Blacks Don’t Like Obama’s Role As Lecturer In Chief

Scolding Of Black America





  1. I missed your earlier reference (link?) to the eBook on 31 Days to a Better Blog. Where can I find it? I can use a 31-day blogging reinvention!

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