When trying to solve a crime, generally speaking, one needs only follow the trail of clues that leads to the person or parties who stand to benefit the most from the action to find the most likely culprit. When we look at the systemic crimes and injustices that are inherent in the American Society and Government, the same logic can be employed not only finding the root of said inequities, but also those who continue to perpetuate them. Personally, I am not one to constantly point my finger at the “rich white man” as the root of all evil, nor am I one to point at “the Federal Government” as a continuous oppressor either, however overly powerful government of any sort and overly powerful individuals of any sort tend to be the only parties capable of systemic inequity, injustice, and indifference. When we look at systemic problems of these sorts—not individual daily life discriminations—one might start to connect the dots and see that the structures of oppression are set in place not from irrational prejudices but rather from keen understanding of the threat represented by the oppressed.
Case in point is the young, educated, Professional. The intelligent young people that would otherwise be the lifeblood of this country are in a carefully structured system of economic oppression that they all “professed to understand at the time” that has instead not only crippled their effectiveness in advocating for their professional rights, but also steals them away from being the leveling membrane class of the nation. Currently, professionals and students who are about to graduate are looking at what amounts to as a lifetime of servitude to their chosen profession due to the enormous weight of their student loan debts. All indicators show that young people of approximately 30 years old no longer feel they need to have cars or buy houses, get married or have children. While some might read this as liberating, progressive, unproblematic, and the natural extension of adolescence in the face of extended life spans, as an educated person approximately 30, with a house, and children I can tell you the real reason is unconsciously or consciously, directly or indirectly, tied to the enormous amount of student loan debt, and the interest attached to it that we have undertaken.