Breaking News: Polite On Society Acquired By Fox News

(New York) April 1st, 2013

The 3 year old award-winning blog will be owned by corporate giant in a few short weeks. Moderate blogger Marc Polite has decided to join forces with the international news conglomerate to have a wider audience. “It’s time for a change” said Polite who will soon be  contributing to the network.  Dr. Ben Carson was quick to praise this recent acquisition. “We need more young Black conservative voices, and it will only help us going forward” Carson, who met Polite at a CPAC luncheon last month, had nothing but kind words for the young blogger.

Polite On Society will be shifting its editorial priorities to bring the content more in line with its new ownership. Neil Cavuto has expressed interest in writing for the site. All of the details of this new acquisition can not be discussed in its entirety here. For more info on this exciting news, please visit

April Fools!




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