“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” – Anthony Robbins
Good evening folks. I realize that this is quite an odd title for a blog post, but I wanted to introduce it this way for a reason. In the time that you have been reading this site, most have come to know me as a political blogger. While it is great to be recognized as a serious writer with strong political and cultural views, I do have other interests as well. Poetry is one of them.
I have done some material, mostly at the Open Mic at Sister’s Uptown Bookstore and Cultural Center. I used to go to the now closed Sugar Shack and Harlem Tea Lounge a few years back. I was doing that before I started blogging. So its only right that I start off my first foray in publishing with a return to my passion.
I have other stuff in the works right now, but that is coming soon. Best believe, this is only the beginning. As far as appearances and such, still working on that. If you know of a venue where a blogger/poet can say some words, let a brotha know something. Oh yeah, in case y’all feel moved to support a cat, here is the link to my Authors page on Amazon. You can get it either on Kindle, or the print edition.
Its 2013. I really feel like its time to do some things I have not done before. Putting out a book is one of those things you can talk about, but nobody will believe you until you actually do it. So here it is. I hope y’all enjoy. Peace
Marc W. Polite, Blogger and Author, (oh, and Publisher too!)
Can Finally Take The “Aspiring” out of Author.