Writer Wednesday: What Are Your Blog Goals?

Good morning all! In this fast paced era, everyone needs goals. Whether it be personal, professional, or spiritual. Everyone should have them. For the purposes of this post, I would like to talk a little about goals as a blogger. If you have one, or ever plan to start a blog, its important that you have goals in mind. I’d like to share with you my three top goals for Polite On Society.

And they are the following:

1. To utilize this space as a platform for my book in progress, and other projects.

2. To continue to inform and influence my readers in a positive way.

3. To build something to leave my family in a better position.

In short, those are my goals for this blog. What are yours? Let’s engage one another as we continue to write with a purpose! Happy Writer Wednesday!

Marc W. Polite


  1. Great topic and questions Marc. My goals are to:
    1. Provide a platform for myself and other to present different viewpoints and opinions based on the site’s mission.
    2. To inform and influence readers in a positive way.
    3. To possible create new revenue streams.

    Number 3 is really an after thought. i just really want to provide quality content that people will enjoy.

  2. My blog goals are simple:

    1. Write what I like and hope someone likes it rather than try to get someone to like what I write.

    2. Be honest.

    3. Speak truth to power (and have fun while doing so).

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