Editors Note: This post is in response to some requests for info about the Harlem Writers Guild after our appearance in the African American Day Parade this year.-M.P.
by Diane Richards, President of the Harlem Writers Guild
One of HWG’s primary initiatives today and in the future is to cultivate and provide a sacred, strong haven for new and young writers – whom we call A Woke Black Nation to tell our stories courageously, unabridged and without shame. We are a people who’s oppressors tried to break us, but we are still here and tenaciously so. We live, walk and write on the well trodden paths of our founding mothers and fathers – John Oliver Killens, Rosa Guy, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Maya Angelou, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Lorraine Hansberry, Sara Wright, Grace Edwards, Bill Banks and others.
To create and publish compelling literature of all genres reflective of the African American and African Diaspora experiences of struggle, survival and success, using our art as expressions of protest again racism, social injustice and economic tyranny while embracing, promoting and sustaining black voices, young and old.

The Harlem Writers Guild, arguably the oldest Black writers guild in America; was founded by Dr. John Henrik Clarke, and John Oliver Killens in 1950. In 1952, Dr. Clarke convinced Dr. Maya Angelou to leave Los Angeles, and move to Harlem to hone her skills as a poet/writer.
To find out more about the Harlem Writers Guild, visit the official website here: Harlem Writers Guild
Below, is a link to a video from the HWG Youtube page.