This past Thursday, it was announced that Kiss FM and WBLS are to be merged. Two stations that focus on the African American community in New York City are now […]
Read moreAuthor: Marc
An award winning writer from New York City.
A Response To ‘The Danger Of Twitter, Facebook Politics’
Social media has opened up the political discourse a great deal in the last couple of years. So much, to the point that some thinkers are wondering if it is […]
Read moreCornel West and Tavis Smiley Discuss American Poverty
Poverty and what it means in our time is a huge social and political issue. With the Great Recession and the drab economy of the last few years, there is […]
Read moreWhy Dr. Manning Marable’s Pulitzer Prize Is Well Deserved
Editor’s Note: Due to the reaction in the Black intellectual community over the posthumous awarding of Dr. Manning Marable the Pulitzer prize, Polite On Society is initiating a discussion on […]
Read moreManning Marable’s Book on Malcolm Awarded Pulitzer
The book that prompted much discussion over the legacy of Malcolm X last year is now a pulitzer prize winner. Manning Marable’s 600 page opus Malcolm X: A Life of […]
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