By Marc W. Polite
July 20th, 2024 will mark the 55 year anniversary of mankind landing on the moon. This important spacefaring milestone takes on a new importance at this time. While it is a moment to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of space exploration, it is also a guidepost. Historians have studied the Space Race of the 1950’s and 60’s, and a few have made apt comparisons between the motivations for the endeavor then. They draw parallels between it and the renewed current “Space Race 2.0” as some observers deigned it.

Last month, I visited the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. For those who may not be aware, they currently have an exhibit Apollo: When We Went To The Moon. This temporary exhibit shows artifacts from the early space race, including early space suits, replicas of satellites, and newspaper articles from the time.
I’d recommend a visit to this exhibit to get a full grasp of the history that was made 55 years ago. It will help you understand a bit why this current race is underway. This exhibit will be there until September 2, 2024.