Moving Mayhem: How to Prepare and Execute a Move to Your New Home

By Brittany Cotton

Moving to a new home is a complex project. Regardless of your home’s size, organizing and packing your belongings requires some planning. Avoid moving mayhem by following these best practices for a smooth move to your new home.


  1. Declutter and Organize Your Items


Begin your move by decluttering the home. Separate items into three piles, including:


  • Donations
  • To be packed
  • Garbage


By decluttering now, you’ll have fewer items to pack and move to the new property. Also, divide the “to be packed” pile into priority piles. For example, one pile might include items that cannot be packed until the last minute, such as medications and pillows. The other pile reflects items that can be packed away several days or even weeks before the move.


  1. Prepare Your Moving Supplies


Gather your moving supplies several weeks before the move. You’ll need packing tape, markers for labeling and cardboard boxes. Consider the items you’re packing when selecting boxes, however. If you have many heavy items, you’ll need boxes that can handle the weight. Every box manufacturer has a weight limit associated with each product. Unfortunately, choosing cheaper or lightweight boxes can lead to damaged property as the cardboard breaks down.


  1. Pack Each Room


With organized piles and supplies on hand, start packing your items. Ideally, pack items together from the same room. Label each box with the room’s description, such as a master bedroom. When you arrive at the new property, you or the movers know where to place each box.


This room strategy is particularly helpful after the move. Typically, most families cannot unpack everything immediately following a move. With each box labeled, you can open the boxes necessary to function as a household until the unpacking can be completed. Also, you can further subdivide the boxes with labels noting “essential” or “nonessential” items.


  1. Consider a Storage Unit


Packing several weeks ahead of your moving day is a smart way to divide out the work, but storing the boxes becomes a challenge. Preferably, rent a mobile storage unit, such as SMARTBOX. For example, you rent a mobile container that remains in your driveway for a few weeks. As you pack boxes, place them into the container for secured storage. When you’re ready to make the big move, the container company moves the entire module to your new home. As a result, you have easy access to the container as you unpack.


  1. Move Nonessentials First


Whenever possible, move nonessential items into your mobile container or straight to the new property first. These items might include collectibles, holiday decorations and other items you won’t need right now. By moving these items first, the official move-out day won’t be so overwhelming.


  1. Keep Valuables With You


Reserve valuable items for packing at the last minute. Mark these boxes as “essential” items along with the room designation. Indeed, you might keep these boxes with you at all times, depending on their contents. With the essentials close at hand, you can access them whenever needed before and after the move.


  1. Unpack at a Leisurely Pace


With moving day over, all of your belongings should be at the new property. However, the next step doesn’t involve a race to open and unpack everything in a few hours. Allow yourself to leisurely unpack the items designated as essentials.


These essentials should include bedding, hygienic items and other personal belongings. Get a good night’s sleep so that you can continue unpacking the nonessentials tomorrow.


  1. Perform Basic Housekeeping Steps


As you settle in, prioritize a few goals around the new home. Initially, start by changing the locks on the doors and updating any garage door codes. Key copies made by the previous owners won’t work, which protects your family and property.


Next, set up your utilities. Ideally, the electricity, natural gas, water and sewage utilities should be a priority. Afterward, activate other utilities, such as Wi-Fi, cable or satellite television.


Whether you hire movers or carry out the move on your own, following these steps is still possible. Reducing stress during your move can make the entire process easier on the family. In the end, your belongings will be safe from damage or loss as you settle into the new property.

Brittany Cotton is a writer who focuses on health, wellness, and a variety of other topics. In her free time, you can find her reading, trying new recipes, or playing with her dog.

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