Changing The Conversation: Fall 2021 Theme

Theme of Fall 2021

By Marc W. Polite

Good afternoon, everyone. It is the beginning of a new week, and it is back-to-school season. At this moment, I am out of summer mode, and back into what I call fall focus. The point of this post is to outline some of what you can expect to see from this platform for the next four months.

After witnessing the circular discussions(on pretty much everything) over the spring and summer, I’m interested in changing the conversation. It’s necessary, and part of breaking a looping cycle that leads nowhere.

The first iteration of this will be the “Saving Our Own Lives” discussion coming up on Monday, September 20th, 2021.

Rather than have ongoing debates around the manufactured controversy over critical race theory, it’s important to be informed about the long-term effects of racism. Among the books that I’ll be reading is “The Sum of Us” by Heather McGhee

The Sum of Us By Heather McGhee

There are other discussions and topics based around literature coming in October, including some involving the Brooklyn Book Festival 2021. More details on this are forthcoming. For the time being, you may consider this to be sort of a virtual guest lecturing tour.

Let’s not wait for the mainstream to tell us what conversations we need to have, and start talking about what we must do. Watch this space, as there is more to come.

Thank you for reading this site.





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