By Marc W. Polite
What a difference a year makes. Today is March 13th, 2021. It makes a full year since we have all had to reconfigure our lives to deal with Covid-19.
Without revisiting everything that we’ve experienced in the past 12 months, this pandemic has touched all of us in one way or another. Fortunately, there are three vaccines for Covid-19, and as of now 10 percent of the American population has received them.
In his address, President Biden has said that in combination with the vaccines and other measures, we might be able to gather in small numbers for July 4th. While it might not sound like much, that is a step in the needed direction. Scientists have said that getting to “Zero Covid” – completely eliminating the virus is highly unlikely. With that being said, it looks like we’ll have to protect ourselves from it as much as possible. Which.. raises a big concern for everyone, adults and children alike.
There’s a plot hole in the reopening. Three vaccines are available for adults, but 0 for children. Yet, many are still pushing for a full K-12 reopening. How do you protect the children from the virus? There’s still not enough of an answer on this.
Even though the situation is looking a bit better in terms of vaccine efficacy, the premature reopening, emerging variants,, and lifting of mask mandates threatens to erode progress, and reset us back to square one. We’re not out of the woods yet, and have a good ways to go.
These are some of my thoughts on this shutdown anniversary. Your thoughts are welcome below. Please keep them respectful though.. fair warning.