Steps to Take If You Have Been Hurt At Work

From repetitive strain injury to construction accidents, there are many different incidents and injuries that can occur in the workplace. Of course, all employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that they provide a safe and healthy working environment. However, this does not stop mistakes from occurring. If you believe that your employer has made an error or acted negligently and that this has resulted in your suffering you will be entitled to compensation. Read on to discover the steps you need to take if you are thinking about using the services of accident lawyers in your area for a workplace claim.


Steps to take… 


The first thing you need to do is see a doctor. Not only is it vital to get the correct treatment, but also you will need to see a medical professional if you are to have any chance of securing compensation. The medical report your doctor provides is the most pivotal piece of evidence when it comes to making a claim. If you haven’t seen a doctor for your injuries, you will struggle to find any accident lawyers that will take on your case.


The next thing you need to do is report the incident to your employer and / or safety representative. By law, all employers are required to have an accident book where they need to record all incidents and injuries. If you do not make sure the incident is recorded in this book you could experience problems later down the line when it comes to making a claim.


It is also a good idea to make a note of everything that occurred as soon as you get a moment. After all, you don’t want to forget any vital details that could strengthen your case.


The next thing to do is get in touch with experienced lawyers who can handle your case for you. There are a number of different steps that you should take in order to make sure that a lawyer is right for you. Make sure that the lawyer has plenty of experience; not only in the legal field but in the specific type of claim you want to make. For example, sexual abuse lawyer, Jonathan Rosenfeld, has a lot of experience in sensitive cases like this, and so it is much better to opt for a lawyer with this level of experience than a general attorney. You also need to make sure that you take the time to read reviews that have been left by others.


Last but not least, make sure you keep proof of any expenses you have encountered as a direct result of your injuries, as you will be able to claim for these. This can be anything from loss of income to prescription costs.


As you can see, there is a lot that needs to be considered when it comes to accidents in the workplace. However, we hope that the information that has been provided will be helpful for you.

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