By Marc W. Polite
Good evening, my readers. As many of you are aware, Polite On Society is a site of social and political commentary. Given that this year is a presidential election, it will be even more so the case. As editor in chief and founder of this site, I do not make it a habit to endorse political candidates for office. This time, I feel compelled to make an exception. After following closely all of the candidates, and their stances on issues, and watching all seven of the Democratic presidential debates, I have decided to endorse Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.
In terms of policy and approaches to what is necessary for the average working class American to live a decent life, Sanders gets it. Rightfully pointing out the role of corporate greed and its corrosive effect on American politics, Sanders understands that a different approach is necessary. The direction that this country is going does not begin and end with the current occupant of the White House- President Trump. This country is in crisis, due to a number of factors.
In terms of the prescribed solutions espoused by the Sanders campaign, they are steps in the right direction. Take for example, the affordable housing crisis. As many of us witness with our own eyes the increasing affordable housing crisis and one of its outcomes, increasing homelessness, it should be seen as a national problem. One that requires a nation wide solution. Sanders “Housing For All” plan addresses matters like rent control, and does not overlook renters in the typical classist way that elected officials do.
In advocating for Medicare For All, it is exactly what is necessary to address the outrageous costs of private health care. In regards to the weak economy, and in the face of the retail apocalypse, Sanders is calling for a federal jobs program, which is reminiscent of the Works Progress Administration program of the 1940’s under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In an economy where companies that were already well off horde the windfall from the Trump tax cuts and encourage their employees to do more with less, this is the most sensible remedy.
With respect to the possibility of Sanders winning, of the candidates who remain in the race, the Vermont senator has the best shot against the incumbent president Trump. His strong base of support with voters under 35, and statistical tie with Joe Biden for Black voters, gives him a chance. Sanders left wing populism and his enthusiastic supporters is a powerful counterbalance to the right wing populism of President Trump. It is that energy, that will be needed to win independents, young voters, and dissatisfied Trump voters to unseat the incumbent. Sanders, with his steadfast opposition to endless wars, understands that it plays a role in gutting resources for domestic concerns. Therefore, he is the best candidate to make that case to the country about the need to change direction.
Given who remains in the field of 2020 candidates, whether they are on the debate stages or not, Bernie Sanders in this writer’s opinion, is the best option.