Attracting What You Deserve

By Marc W. Polite

Good evening, everyone. Yesterday was Christmas, and I hope that it was joyful for those who are coming across this post. For me, this holiday season wasn’t all that joyous, with it being the first without my mom. It just felt very, very different.

Since it is this period after the holidays, personally I will be focusing on rest and rejuvenation. While I don’t really do resolutions, I do intend on reflecting on how to attract what I deserve. This period of time after Christmas and before the new year is a pensive time for me. I’ve been coming across a lot of great, positive messages around self worth, survival, and boundaries. In addition to nerding out and watching Lost in Space Season 2, I will be looking for more along these lines. It might get quiet around these parts for the next week.. but I’m still around.

As always, thanks for reading, and I appreciate my subscribers old and new. Take care!