By Marc W. Polite
The Schomburg Literary Festival was this past Saturday, June 29th. This being the inaugural event, it featured books and authors of African descent, and highlighted our literary culture. Hosted right outside the Schomburg Library, this event featured panel discussions and book signings for interested attendees. Among the vendors and organizations present were The Africa Center, Book Bear Co., The Center for Black Literature, Harper Collins, The New Press, and Countee Cullen Library. The Black Comics Collective, and West Village Comics were there for fans of comic books as well.

The Harlem Writers Guild was present, and had a number of interested people approach our table. All of the publications of our works were available, and the organization is coming up on 70 years of literary excellence in 2020. Harlem World Magazine invited us to be part of a podcast, discussing this and more on the same day of the festival.
The organizers of the Schomburg Center Literary Festival expressed their intention to have an event in 2020. Readers and supporters of literature should be on the lookout for this event next year.