Black History Month 2019 Opening Remarks

Good afternoon, everyone. Today is the first of February, and the beginning of Black History Month.

A lot is going on, and it will all be discussed everywhere on the web. Just off the top historically speaking, what is prominent for me is that in 2019, we have the 400 year anniversary of the first enslaved Africans being brought to Jamestown, Virginia. Four centuries of survival and thriving in spite of is incredible when you think about it.

Americans are still reeling from the aftermath of the 35 day long government shutdown.. with the possibility of it happening again the middle of this month.

And then there’s the world of politics. Ahh.. politics. We’re going to have some interesting conversations with two Black candidates in the 2020 presidential race. This is not going to be a breeze. Records will come up, and people will ask questions. This is what it is.

A quick note to those getting all apoplectic about your candidate getting examined.. this is light work. The primaries are an entire year from now.. the person you’re running interference for has to make it through that.

In other words, relax b. We’re in for a wild ride.

I plan to be going to a few Black History Month events, and talking all things Diasporic. Stay tuned.

Until next post, peace!

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