By Marc W. Polite
Reflections of 2018
Greetings, my readers. Here we are, at the end of another year. For more than a few personal reasons, I will be glad to see 2018 go. This, was really not an easy year for a brotha. In the spirit of not giving trifling matters more energy than they deserve, I will focus my recollections on the happenings that were highlights of this year.
Above is a picture of me reading some poetry at this past Friday’s Peace Cafe in Harlem. I was reciting a poem from my third book, Poetic Ruminations: Volume 2. For those who have been following this blog, you know that I released this collection back in April of 2018. In retrospect, its release and reception was a highlight of the year for me. Much thanks to everyone who showed support for this collection, since the audience that reads this space overlaps.

Here, because of your support, I was able to offer up some new material to inspire thought.
From April up until this month, it’s been a good run. Of course, using the timing of national Poetry month helped out a lot. My book launch was at Sisters Uptown Bookstore in Harlem.
Due to the platform I’ve built here, in covering literary related events around New York City, I was contacted to be a moderator of a panel discussion at the Bronx Book Fair. That turned out to be a great experience, and would lead to further opportunities the Summer and Fall.
I made my first appearance at the New York City Poetry Festival, and did my first book signing and discussion in the DMV area- Alexandria, VA to be specific. Thanks goes out to Harambee Books for the invitation.
During the summer, which is normally a slow time for book related activities, I was making the rounds. I applied for, and was accepted as a member of the historic Harlem Writers Guild. In collaboration with the Guild, I was able to present some of my poetry at the mainstage of the Harlem Book Fair. Also, for the first time, I was present for the Brooklyn Book Festival.
Due to my collaboration with the Bronx Book Fair, I along with other authors were invited on the BronxNet show Crossover by Lorraine Currelley. That is my first television appearance.
While I was making stops on my book tour, an interesting thing happened on the by and by. Connections with other writers and authors were made, without even forcing the issue.
I give much thanks to all of the people who I collaborated with. In particular, I would like to say thanks to Lorraine Currelley, Kendra Oke, Valerie Denise Jones, Eartha Watts Hicks, and Tracy Renee Jones.
As I sit here, thinking of ways to build on some of the things I accomplished this year, I have the mindset of gratitude.
Now, this post would be incomplete if I don’t give my very biased opinions on what was really hitting for me in 2018. Ha. This is what I do, people.
Best of 2018
Black Panther– Come on now. You really think this one wasn’t going to be on here? In spite of what anyone might think of the underlying political messaging of this movie, its cultural impact is undeniable.
Avengers: Infinity War– Another obvious pick.. one that had so many going back to ten years worth of films to catch references here and there. On top of all that.. the Thanos jokes just never ended. Gotta love it.
Sorry to Bother You– This film, while nowhere near as big as the others, was one of the best original films of 2018. Boots Riley here was able to share science fiction infused vision of the class struggle.
Young Karl Marx– Speaking of class struggle, this work by Raoul Peck presents the conditions and circumstances under which two German philosophers and activists came together to co-author The Communist Manifesto.
J. Cole – K.O.D.
Royce 5’9 -Book of Ryan
Notice that I only mentioned full length projects here.. *shots fired*
Soul Calibur 6– The latest Soul Calibur is a blast. Undoing the mis-steps of the last Soul Calibur game, SC6 is a return to form for the weapons based fighter.
With this game being the 7th in the series (The first game being Soul Blade) in my opinion this is the best one since Soul Calibur 2. SC3 was off track.. SC4 was mostly interesting because of the Star Wars characters… and SC5.. the game mechanics were all the way messed up, not to mention missing vital characters. So, as a fan of the series, I was glad to see this game take off and be a part of the tournament scene as well.
I know every one was crazy about Dragon Ball Fighter Z, but to me this is the better fighting game. Sorry, not sorry.
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch- This interactive movie that launched this Friday is just ridiculous! A movie that you can play is like a dream come true for gamers. You can find new ways to mess up Stefan’s life, and its macabre fun to do so.
The Ozarks: Season 2- Had me wanting to do some “financial consulting” of my own lol.
Luke Cage- too bad it got canned.. for the moment.
Black Lightning- outside of Gotham… the best DCTV show out. The Flash lost me. *shrugs*
Chief Petty Officer observations: for all of the complaints about Venom as a movie, it wasn’t that bad. But one thing is for sure: Aquaman was a much better film. Fight me.
Musically, I never want to hear of this nonsense of a 7 track “album” ever again. Pusha T had a decent record..but the rest of them were trash. The one I’m most upset about is Nas “album”- the only one of his that I didn’t pick up.
So yup… those are my observations, reflections, and recollections for the year. It’s been a wild ride. I play around a lot, but I do appreciate the support. My Instagram page may be less than wholesome, but I keep my intentions clean. My Facebook timeline can be a political battlefield at times, but it’s all for the purpose of doing my part for the struggle.
Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone comes into the new year with a clear mind. Until next post.. Peace!