By Marc W. Polite
Good evening, my readers. I hope you all had a good day. I had a few thoughts that I want to share with you this evening on plans and goals. As many of you already know, I am spending a lot of my spare time preparing for the Harlem Book Fair this weekend. It is a special occasion: it’s the 20th anniversary of the event. As you know from previous posts, I will be there along with other members of the Harlem Writers Guild, who will also be selling their books. I may even have the opportunity to read some of my work on the main stage of the event. I’m pretty excited about it.
I released my third book back in the Spring; Poetic Ruminations Volume 2, and I’m still promoting it hard despite summer typically being a slow season for literature. I intend to use the my home court advantage as a Harlem based writer to get folks I know out there to stop through. I have the unique good problem of having to make sure I have enough books for my in person events on hand. Outside of having three back to back Saturday events involving book promoting, there’s a few things behind-the-scenes that I am working my way towards.
In striving to bring different content to this site, I have shifted slightly to focus on technology, movies, and music. What’s the point in coming here and reading the same kind of content you read on mainstream sites? The great thing about running your own site is that, you don’t have to talk about what everyone else is talking about. The current media frenzy doesn’t have to get traction here.
I plan on talking to more authors of course, and getting the word out there about local events. Harlem Week is coming, and I’ll be talking about that on here.
I find that as I tell my stories and recount my experiences, more ideas come. It’s almost scary.
While at the moment, I am not working on any book projects, I am pulling elements together for a script. Yes, you read that right. I’ve never done this before, and it’s on my writer’s bucket list. I.. am not quite ready to reveal what it’s about.. but it’s in the nascent stages. I want to attend some workshops for scriptwriting to get it right.. and I’m seeing it’ll be a challenge for me. Gotta have goals, right?
So yeah.. That’s what I am getting into.. between book events, poetry readings, watching my favorite shows and films and keeping it together.
That’s all for now, and I hope to see some of y’all in Harlem this Saturday. Until next blog post.. Peace!
– Marc