Greetings my readers. Once again, its Writer Wednesday. That means that its time to introduce you to another author. This week, we get a chance to hear from Mara Prose. She is the author of the upcoming novel The Davenports: A Battle of Wills.
Polite On Society: Who is Mara Prose?
Mara Prose: Mara Prose is the vulnerable, creative, passionate and all-round artistic side of me. Mara Prose is fearless in her speech, yet focused solely on empowering, motivating and inspiring others to find Their Voice.
POS: What motivates you as a writer?
MP: My children are my biggest motivation to write. Without them, I feel I would lead a life without purpose and it is important for me to leave not only a business to them when I am gone, but a legacy that can be carried forward through the generations.
POS: You also have a blog and a radio show. What kind of topics do you explore on those platforms?
MP: The majority of the topics in the blog are inspirational, uplifting, but they are also the experiences that occur in my life that I want others to learn from. The radio show is more about promoting positive people who are following their dreams – whether it be an author, musician, actor or a painter. We invite people from all walks of life to appear as guests to educate our audience and help everyone find Their Voice. Our Hot Topics segment is debate section of the show, where we pick a topic and ask callers to join us in the discussion.

POS: Tell us about your forthcoming book Davenport: A Battle of Wills.
MP: Oh boy, lol. This book has been 13 years in the making. I would start and stop, start and stop. It wasn’t until a major change in my life that I decided to become really serious about my writing. The book is tale of corruption, greed, sabotage in a huge battle over a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. Right now, it is scheduled to be a trilogy, so they first book will be just enough to leave you wanting to hurry and read the 2nd book. The free prologue is available on my website at www.maraprose.blog
POS: What impact are you hoping to make with this novel?
MP: I hope this book stands out as a game changer. I did not follow the typical writing formulas, I simply allowed myself to create without hindrance. The fact I am 100% self published, I hope that encourages other to write that book that we all have inside of us.
POS: Is there anything else that you want our audience to know about you?
MP: I would love for the audience to follow Mara Prose. Things are transpiring very quickly for me. You can now not only follow me on my blog www.maraprose.blog, but also via my Free app m.maraprose.blog (soon to be IOS and Android). Of course, we have Prosey’s Corner every Saturday 9am CST/10am EST on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/maraprosenetwork
Please be sure to listen for upcoming details on my book tour. I plan to release 5 books this year.
I’d like to thank Mara for taking the time to chat with us today. Be on the look out for The Davenports later this month!