Local Blogging Presentation at WordPress NYC February 20th, 2018

Good evening folks. I want to take a quick moment to let you know what is in the works with me.

I will be giving my first presentation of 2018 on local blogging. As some of you see, I use this WordPress powered platform to highlight goings on in the Harlem community. I will share how I have done it, and have handouts to distribute to attendees.

For people who are not aware, WordPress NYC is an organization that gives tips and advice to WP users all around New York. I am honored that I was selected as a presenter.

Details below:

Save the Date: Blogger Marc W. Polite will give a presentation titled: “Using WordPress sites to highlight local events” at WordPress NYC on Tuesday, February 20th, 2018 at 7pm. Location: 11 Times Square (Across from the Port Authority)


I hope some of you can make it. Back to plotting and planning. Until next post.. peace!

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