Good evening my readers. With social media currently set ablaze with different kinds of ahem.. challenge videos, I want to take a quick minute to bring your attention to another opportunity to create some footage. On Friday, September 29th, it will be I Am ExceptionAL day. Initiated by The Exceptional Project, it is to be a day of digital recognition for Black men and boys.
Here’s a little bit about it:
Why #IamExceptionAL Day? Black men and boys are truly ExceptionAL. They lead, live, and love in powerful ways. Their story often goes untold and the contributions they make often go unacknowledged. We believe it is both our right and our responsibility to promote the positive image and narrative of Black men and boys. So on September 29, 2017 the partners of ExceptionAL NYC will take to social media in an attempt to share 10,000 videos and images of ExceptionAL Black men and boys across this country.
Intended Impact: Through our efforts, more Black men and boys will have an opportunity to see themselves for the gifted, capable, beautiful individuals they are. Moreover, it is our sincere hope that by sharing thousands of positive images and narratives, we will help to create a more balanced view of Black men and boys in America, one that allows them to live the full and free lives we all deserve.
Our Call to Action: We are asking all of our friends, loved ones, and co-laborers to join this effort so that we can have the greatest impact possible. Join the movement by following the 3 simple steps below!
STEP 1: Record a 15-30 second video telling what makes a Black man or boy in your life ExceptionAL OR pick a compelling photo. Each video should include a few sentences about what makes the man or boy being featured ExceptionAL. The last sentence should be “My name is (first and last name) and I am ExceptionAL.”
STEP 2: At 1pm EST (10 am Pacific) on 9/29/17, share that video or photo on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and/or Snap Chat. Be sure to use the hashtag #IamExceptionAL. This is the universal hashtag we will use to bring awareness to our message! Partner organizations can and should also include a second hashtag to represent and bring awareness to their specific organization.
STEP 3: Tell EVERYONE you know to do the same. Like, share, repost, and retweet images the rest of the day and help us reach our goal of 10,000 images on 9/29/17!
For more information about The ExceptionAL Project or for details about how you can join our efforts, please refer to the contact information below.
Thunderclap Sign Up: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/61264-iamexceptional-day Participant Commitment Survey: https://goo.gl/forms/m8jeWTZtG7maO7Nl2 Social Media
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExceptionAL_L3