Greetings my readers. Ever so often, I like to introduce you to an author that you may not have heard of. In today’s author profile, we have Queen Anoshi. A novelist and poet hailing from South Carolina, Anoshi discusses what brings her to write love stories, and how she remains positive during difficult times. We here appreciate the difference in perspective. To visit her site, see http://www.queenanoshi.com/
Polite On Society: What inspired you to write your novels?
Queen Anoshi: I was inspired to write novels after I started writing short stories in the Army. I wrote the short story of Soul Mates and after years I went back and wrote a full novella.
POS: Tell us about Soul Mates.
QA: Soul Mates is a sexy adult romance about the love of two people who were hurt by love. They are like night and day, but still so much alike. This story tells about love that was set in motion by the universe. It’s a ying and yang story, the mirror imagine of your heart. The good and bad and the willingness to stand and fight for that perfect/imperfect love. Oh yeah it has a crazy ex that makes the love of these to a little challenging.
POS: Do you feel like as an author, there is anything that is too personal to go in your work?
QA: No because there’s a little of me and my life experience in every book I write. I am an “open book” when writing. I think it is better when people can see you in what you write. It to me becomes more personal to the reader when they can relate to you through what you write.
POS: You talk about Finding Love in every Moment. How do we do that in this era?
QA: By being positive, by seeing the good in a person and realizing that everyone has their own way of being and even if it isn’t the way we think or feel; that doesn’t mean that it is wrong. I fall in love with the way the person is, not the way I want them to be and that is so very special because then you are not disappointed.
POS: What is next in the works for Authoress Anoshi? Upcoming appearances?
QA: I am currently working on a older woman/younger man novella. He is a fine arts thief and she is a FBI agent. Their paths cross in a way that rocks them both in so many different ways.
I am having a book signing FEB. 11 in Belton, SC.
Thank you for taking the time to highlight me… Anoshi
You’re welcome, Anoshi!!! It was a pleasure.