Good morning, my readers. There is another upcoming event for the Fall that I would like to make you aware of. It is the conference for the Association of Black Educators of New York, and it will be held in Harlem on Saturday, November 12th, 2016. The details are in the message below from Dr. Sheilah Bobo, the conference chair.
We are pleased to announce the annual Education Conference of the Association of Black Educators of New York which will take place on Saturday, November 12, from 9 – 2:30 at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem. Our theme this year is “Supporting the Emotional Health, Emotional Growth and Learning of All Students.” Our guest speaker at the plenary will be Dr. Alphonso Wyatt, Motivational Speaker and Founding Board Member of the Harlem Children’s Zone Promise Academy. There will be workshops by both educators and consultants.
As you know, ABENY is a tax-exempt organization and the monies which we raise help support our scholarship fund.
To learn more about ABENY, go to<ht
Dr. Sheilah Bobo
ABENY Education Conference Chair
