2016 Revolution Awards Recognize Black Excellence

ImageNation hosts Revolution Awards at SVA Theatre in New York
ImageNation hosts Revolution Awards at SVA Theatre in New York

This past Wednesday, ImageNation hosted the 2016 Revolution Awards. I was fortunate enough to attend the awards, and view the two films that were premiered afterwards. As mentioned in a previous post, the Revolution Awards were about honoring achievers in film, academia, and activism in our community.

In reflecting on the occurrences of that evening, I feel as though it would be best described as a recognition of Black excellence. In addition to witness the presenters make historical connections between the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter, I saw some great performances too.

Musician Jeremy James opens the Revolution Awards 2016
Musician Jeremy James opens the Revolution Awards 2016

Musician Jeremy James opened the show with a few guitar numbers. Very uplifting material. Then, we were treated to a few announcements around the future intentions of ImageNation, including the forthcoming Soul Cinema.


Revolution Awards 2016 Red Carpet
Revolution Awards 2016 Red Carpet

Before the show, I snapped a few pics from the red carpet. It was really packed at one point, so I soon decided to move on to the snack table. Why lie? Nonetheless,seeing my way to my reserved seat, I struck up conversation with two CCNY students who were also in attendance.

The two films we all saw were “The Cycle” produced by Sway Calloway a piece about police and their interaction in the Black community, and “1982” a film directed by Tommy Oliver about the troubles of a Philadelphia family. Both of these films were powerful, and show the complexities of life in urban settings. While I did not stay for the Q&A session at the very end, I must say that it was a good event. Between me seeing Michonne as a fan of The Walking Dead, and witnessing genuine support and affirmation of our own talents, the Revolution Awards was a showcase of the established, and emerging achievers.



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