With three full days left in this year, I can’t help but begin to reflect on 2015. It’s normal to think on the whole year, and what we want to do different for the next one. While I have to admit that I did not pull off everything I wanted to this year, I did make progress towards the goals. Such is life. With that said, I’d like to talk about what I was able to do.
One thing I definitely did this year involved stepping out on the ledge a little more with my writing. It may not be obvious, but this approach would lead to radio appearances and interviews. In writing about things I would normally keep to myself, I found many ways to connect with folks and drop the pretenses. Who needs those, anyway? #Smile
The most obvious accomplishment for me this year was the launch of my second book “Everything To Learn, Nothing To Teach” With the momentum of a Spring launch, I promoted this book at events in Newark, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. as well as right here in New York City. Of course, I’d like to thank everyone who supported. I’d also like to thank so many of the folks who had a hand in helping me cross promote this book as well as “Poetic Ruminations” It was a balancing act, but it did work well. I’d also like to thank those of you who answered my Marlon Wayans-like cries for help. Lol.
This year, was interesting. I wont broadcast my intentions for 2016, but I hope all of us will achieve what we set out to do. Peace.