It appears as if yet another entrepreneur is bidding to be a future president of the United States. Kanye West, last evening announced that he is running for president in 2020. The Louis Vuitton don, taking a page out of the Donald Trump playbook is using his platform to get political. Never one to shy away from making statements, Mr. West is also known to speak his mind. A public criticism of former President George Bush, and the ability to weather a tough critique from President Obama shows a mental toughness necessary for the most important job in the world.
Before you balk at the notion, give it pause. Don’t try and compromise his campaign size. Kanye is America. His family represents the diversity of our great country. He is in touch with the concerns of the youth, as a milennial at the age of 38. He will energize the base. Even though those of us who purchased Yeezus deserve a tax rebate, but that’s neither here nor there. We all know he can fill a stadium, unlike Donald Trump.
As far as policy? Yeezy got this. Since he admitted he “smoked to take the edge off” it’s no doubt that the legalization of marijuana is high on the priority list. We don’t have to wonder if he inhaled, either. He can totally outdo Francis Underwood’s “America Works” program with his own “Good Ass Jobs” initiative. Foreign policy? He’s been to France and Italy. That’s enough. Worried about a stolen election? Fear not. We all know Mr. West would throw a mantrum if they pulled an Al Gore on him.
What’s that you say? Mr. West is not qualified because he never finished college and only holds an honorary degree? Well, neither does 2016 Republican Presidential candidate Scott Walker. So let Yeezy rock. All he needs is the right team. Lupe Fiasco has to be his Vice President. Rhymefest the speechwriter, and Common should stump for him. As long as Sway is not the debate moderator, everything should be alright.