June is a time of year where many think of summer, and slower schedules. For African-Americans in particular, June is a time where we celebrate Black Music Month, as well as Juneteenth, in some cases to a lesser extent. In the conscious community, with the deconstruction that is often done around more mainstream holidays, one would think that June 19th would be a bigger deal. Regardless of that, this is a time where people commemorate the arrival of soldiers in Galveston, Texas on this day in 1865 to announce the end of the Civil War. On the historical occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Juneteenth coming in two weeks, we have a book that addresses the topic.
Juneteenth for Mazie by Floyd Cooper tells the story of a young girl learning about the significance of Juneteenth from her dad. This book, delves into American history in a manner that is suitable for young readers, addressing the aftermath of the end of slavery. It emphasizes the celebration around this critical day, and links it to our collective history. Through wonderfully done illustrations, this book gives a pictorial account of how far Black Americans have come. It’s a good read, and a nice addition to the library of young readers.
-Marc W. Polite